The advent of audio books and the explosion in recent years of podcast availability and ease of use has been remarkable. I listen to a lot of this content on the road. Here are some I have listened to over the past few years and that you may yourself enjoy. I use for all of my book downloads. Some of the titles below are linked to Audible by the name of the author (after I finally figured out how to do it)
Most of us know Tony Kornheiser from his partnership with Michael Wilbon on ESPN’S Pardon the Interruption. He also runs on informative and entertaining daily podcast that touches on sports but covers a wide spectrum of topics in culture, entertainment, and current events. Nobody kvetches like Mr. Tony.
Trumpism has created some strange bedfellows and I now listen to people I had never heard of four years ago. One of these is a former conservative radio talk show host from Wisconsin names Charlie Sykes. Sykes’ guest include journalists, politicians, constitutional scholars and pundits of all shapes and sizes. Charlie was a Never Trumper from the start and his daily offering both entertains and inspires.
Michael Isikoff and Daniel Kleidman of Yahoo News have put together a podcast that is well done and consistently interesting featuring both those who make and report the news of the day.
In spite of my obvious biases Beth Waldrup delivers a first rate sermon every week. Her preaching is thoughtful, challenging and inspiring. The best 15 minutes I spend listening each week.